User Agreement

This user agreement ( hereinafter also “Agreement” ) governs the relations on using functions of the website and general conditions of provision of services between the Contractor ( hereinafter also “Website Owner” ) from one side, and the individual or legal entity Customer which accepted the terms of this Agreement by accession to this Agreement in its entirety and unconditionally ( hereinafter also “User of the website” ) from the other side, further in joint mention referred to as “parties” and separately referred to as “Party”.

This Agreement and the relations of the Parties that occur due to this Agreement regulate by legislation.

General Regulations of Agreement

In this document and in relations between Parties that are followed or connected with it, these terms and definitions are applied:

– Owner’s Website/Website is an internet site that is posted on the domain of the Website Owner and his subdomains.

– Agreement – this Agreement with all changes and additions.

– Administration/ Representative of Website, Website Owner is a person authorized by the Website Owner for actions that are provided by the Agreement

– Visitor is any person who goes to the Website and stays there using its properties to get acquainted with the content that is posted on the Website

– User is a capable person who joined this Agreement in his self-interest or acting on behalf of a legal entity and in its interest.

Every Website visitor on his own will can fill in the given form and become a User.

The Website contains information and materials about the products and services that may be provided to the User in case of the conclusion of the real contract. If a person logged in as a User on behalf of a legal entity this means that the legal entity accepts the Agreement fully with all following consequences.

In particular, the User is not allowed to impersonate another person or representative of the organization and/or community without sufficient rights for that, including employees of the Website while using the Website. Also, the User is not allowed to use any other forms or methods of illegal representation of other persons on the Internet and is not allowed to mislead Website Users and its Representatives about properties and characteristics of any subjects and objects.

In case of detection of rights and/or interests violation in connection with using the Website including another User, it is necessary to inform the Website Owner.  Informing should be made by sending an appropriate message, by a phone call with a detailed description of the circumstances of the violation and/or a hypertext link to the page which consists of materials that violate corresponding rights and/or interests of the Website.

Intellectual property rights

All items that are available while using the Website including elements of design, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, music, sounds, and other items posted on the Website are objects of exclusive rights of the Website and other rights holders.  The Website grants the User the right to use it functionally within the limits of its general functionality.

Using the Website in other ways including by copying (reproducing) the content posted on the Website as well as design elements, computer programs, and databases that are part of the Website, their decompilation, modification and further distribution, public display, disclosure to the public, are strongly forbidden, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement and signed contracts.

The User is not allowed to reproduce, duplicate, copy and sell, trade, or resell the Services for any commercial purpose (including content that is available to the User through the Applications), or access to them except for situations when such actions were allowed in accordance with conditions of the separate agreement with the Website/Website Owners or it is provided by additional documents( Contracts, Applications, etc.).


The Content made available exclusively for the purpose of personal non-commercial use may be used by the User on the condition that all trademarks, other authorship notices, name of the author ( or pseudonym), name of the right holder remain unchanged and all laws about the author’s and related rights were observed. The only exception is cases that are directly provided for by law such as Data Protection Act or additional documents on using the Website.

The Website may contain links to sites on the Internet (third-parties websites). Third parties websites and their content aren`t checked by the Website for compliance with requirements (validity, truthfulness, etc).  The Website is not responsible for any information or materials posted on third-parties websites that can be accessed by using the Website and for the availability of those sites or information and consequences of using them by the User.

Links (in any form) to any site, product, service, or any commercial or non-commercial information posted on the Website are not approval or recommendation of those products from the Website unless it is explicitly stated.


Website Owner/Administration/ Website Representative and parties which are represented by the Website are entitled to send the User an email, message to the phone number, or social media that were mentioned by him informational messages about the events connected with the Website activity or activity of parties that are represented.

Final Provisions

This Agreement is regulated and interpreted by applicable legislation that regulates personal information protection. Issues not regulated by this Agreement are regulated by the legislation. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by this Agreement should be resolved according to the procedure established by applicable law.

If for any reason, one or more provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid or unenforceable, this does not mean that the remaining provisions are invalid or unenforceable.

Temporary inactivity from the Website in case of a violation by the User or other Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Website of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later, nor does it mean that the Website has waived its rights in the case of future similar violations.

All disputes regarding the Agreement or in connection with it are subject to consideration in the court at the Website location according to the current legislation.

This User Agreement is developed and runs under the current legislation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data.




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